A Teaser

For what it’s worth, I made a Top 5 list of Classic Doctor Who episodes I liked (that most everyone else doesn’t) posted to my Substack. Here’s a bite of it:

5 Doctor Who (Classic Era) Episodes That Get More Sh*t Than They Deserve

An Opinion (and we all know about those, don’t we?)

I often hear groans when certain episodes Doctor Who are mentioned. Of course, there are those who claim to love it but still never have anything but negative criticisms, and then there are the apologists who absolutely adore every second, unable to find a single thing to criticize. I fall somewhere in between but I have unpopular opinions just the same. If for no other reason than to voice my own thoughts, I compiled a list of some episodes that I personally like but get a majority of criticism.

I admit these episodes are far from exceptional, (which would indicate a consensus), but I don’t think they deserve all the crap they get either. What I am discussing here is the overall experience of a certain story; not any low‑budget production values or corny dialogue or whether the concept was just plain silly, but if the story was just fun.

Remember, before you break out the tar and feathers, opinions are not wrong, only different.

Click on over to my Substack to see ’em!