Still Kicking

An update for anyone who’s paying attention (at this point, far be it for anyone to be spending that time). There’s been a whirlwind around here, aside from the ideas for new projects which needed to be written down before those trains fell off the tracks, which happens when I don’t flesh things out from a scribbled idea as it will ultimately confound me as to where I was going with it upon returning to it months later. That was a run-on eh?

Point is, I’m still here and working on stuff when I can. Eddie’s Odyssey and The Arcanamist over on Substack are still very much in progress and will be continued soon(tm), the former sooner than the latter, I expect.

Dear Diary…

I’ve never been much of a journal writer. Things happen to me that happen to everyone else. Big deal. I’m sure I could deliver my unique perspective on my “adventure” spent sitting at the car dealer waiting for my tire rotations and oil change watching the television mounted on the wall that is broadcasting whatever insipid tripe that passes for morning talk shows these days.

See? That’s a tale all on its own, but hardly engaging and even less of an adventure. Besides, I don’t spend hours of every day doing normal things that everyone else does. Those are isolated incidents. Take today, for instance: grocery shopping. Yay. Not the stuff of intriguing prose.

In any case, this post is just a post about why I don’t obsessively post; I’m usually working on something else. When I come up with something, which will often be fiction, I’ll publish it on my Substack page, though I do have a short bit on writing and a review for a Sci-fi movie that’s over 10 years old that I had just seen at the time of the review.

That’s all I got this time.

It’s Late This Month

My serialized tale “The Arcanamist” has another chapter on Substack.

I have other irons in the fire and got a little distracted. That’s a fault of mine of which I am well aware.

I’m tempted to upload pieces of one of them that I’m writing just for the fun of it. It will go onto Substack if I do.

It’s Been Too Long

Too long since I’ve been here. I’m working on stuff. Making content for my Substack while toiling with other projects.

I have a short little Sci-fi story in the works written in bite-sized chapters I’m thinking of releasing on a weekly basis. It’s a make-it-up-as-you-go project, so I don’t find out what’s happening until I get there. It’s one of those little things not intended for public consumption that helps me to scratch that itch, but I figured why not post it? It’s tentatively titled “Nebula” though it may change to “Eddie’s Odyssey” (or “Oddyssey”?) or something else entirely.

It’s also going to be in mostly draft form which means little editing and little polish. It maybe be up in a week or two.

A Teaser

For what it’s worth, I made a Top 5 list of Classic Doctor Who episodes I liked (that most everyone else doesn’t) posted to my Substack. Here’s a bite of it:

5 Doctor Who (Classic Era) Episodes That Get More Sh*t Than They Deserve

An Opinion (and we all know about those, don’t we?)

I often hear groans when certain episodes Doctor Who are mentioned. Of course, there are those who claim to love it but still never have anything but negative criticisms, and then there are the apologists who absolutely adore every second, unable to find a single thing to criticize. I fall somewhere in between but I have unpopular opinions just the same. If for no other reason than to voice my own thoughts, I compiled a list of some episodes that I personally like but get a majority of criticism.

I admit these episodes are far from exceptional, (which would indicate a consensus), but I don’t think they deserve all the crap they get either. What I am discussing here is the overall experience of a certain story; not any low‑budget production values or corny dialogue or whether the concept was just plain silly, but if the story was just fun.

Remember, before you break out the tar and feathers, opinions are not wrong, only different.

Click on over to my Substack to see ’em!

A Note About Elden Ring

© March 2022, R.B. Ray

I like video games. I also like to watch other people play them, especially those who are better than me (which is almost all of them). Some people think it’s weird. I argue that it is no weirder than watching a bunch of overpaid athletes throw a ball around for hours on end, so take that for what it’s worth.

As of this writing, Elden Ring is the latest video game to take consoles by storm. It is being praised by gamers who relish the challenge of going up against an adversary that pounds them into digital paste time after time just so they can get up and go back in for more. Recently, there have been complainers who demand it be easier; that the game have an Easy Mode; that it should be a cakewalk if the player wants it that way. I disagree with that.

Finish reading at my Substack.

Shameless Plug

Just going to drop a link to my Substack and the first installment (chapter) of my rewrite of an old story of mine, The Arcanamist.

It needs more help than it is getting right now, but I have other irons in the fire and can’t devote all the time I need to really revamp it. So with a few tweaks and edits, I’m re-releasing it for free in installments over there on an intended schedule of a chapter a month.

There’s no charge for anything there, (which isn’t much, to be honest), but I’m building it, little by little. Hope to see you there.


Quick Read on Substack

A Thousand Words

But it isn’t a thousand words long, so there’s that.

I’ve plans for publishing on Substack.

To start with, a monthly chapter release of a Fantasy tale I’m reworking.

There will probably be the occasional article on whatever is on my mind at the time.

I’d appreciate a few moments of your time to go check it out.

Thank you so much!